Charles Sam Muncy, Jr., the “SAP” (self appointed president) of BRR, is wanted for questioning by the authorities. Subject is suspected of organizing a local ring of questionable individuals, calling themselves the Barbour River Rats (BRR), with the goal to corrupt and coerce the good citizens of West Virginia to leap into the Tygart Valley River on January 1, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. under the Covered Bridge.
If you see this individual, please contact the appropriate authorities and inform them of his location. Do not approach as subject is considered a half bubble off and not in control of all his faculties. The authorities are requesting all citizens to appear at the Covered Bridge on January 1, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. to assist in apprehension of this individual. Authorities also are requesting monetary contributions to the Barbour County Emergency Medical Squad to cover cost of medically assisted restraint of said individual.