By Marija Ilic
Last week, a serious electrical issue was discovered at the Philippi Middle School, causing the school to cancel classes and activities last Friday. On Monday, the students were still instructed to stay at home, while the administrators, teachers, and staff worked diligently to create a plan to temporarily house students at Philip Barbour High School starting Tuesday, October 1.
The problem has been identified, and the parts have been ordered, and the temporary solution will be in place until the parts are received and the issue has been resolved.
Buses will run as normal, but Philippi Middle School students will be transported to the high school and will be picked up at the end of the day at the high school. The map of pick up spots has been posted on Barbour County Schools Facebook page as well.
Parents who utilize parent drop off and parent pickup will need to take their child to the high school. The pickup and drop off times are the same as they are at Philippi Middle. The parent drop off/pickup lines entrance is by the old State Police Barracks and proceeds down the back of the school to door 12 the Game entrance.

Once at the school all middle school students will be guided to the auditorium where they will follow the directions of the staff for the school day.
Parents are reminded to have their children charge Chromebooks at home as there is limited number of outlets at the high school. Additionally, children are asked to leave their phones at home, and to only bring the most essential items, as there will be no lockers available.