City of Philippi held their municipal election on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
The results were as follows:
Colin Murphy 160
Phil Bowers 204
Gretch Corley 16
David C. Mulneix 2
City Clerk
Taylor Busse 124
Tammy Stemple 252
Councilperson Southwest District
Delane Goodwin McDaniel 64
Ian Moyer 90
Amy Mick 225
Councilperson Southeast District
Clint A. Newman 200
Beth Marsh 179
Councilperson Northwest District
Cathy Corder 182
Jason Steerman 97
John W. Green 92
Councilperson Northeast District
Susie Cvechko 248
Jacob Summerfield 125
Councilperson North Central District
Scott Miller 68
Tony Wilson 189
Larry D. Jones 117