The Arden Area Community will again be honoring its local Veterans. Members of the community will be constructing a visible display of banners to show respect to the men and women of the Armed Forces for their heroism in protecting America. This will be displayed on the front lawn of the Arden Area Community Center for approximately two weeks surrounding Veterans Day, and is not limited to veterans from the Arden area.
Each banner is approximately 42 x 20 inches, proudly bearing the photograph, name, and branch of military for each individual veteran. Once a banner is purchased, it will continue to be placed each year with no additional fees.
For more information on the Arden Area Veterans Project or loved ones wishing to order a banner to honor a veteran, please contact Shelley Mitchell Starkey at 304-457-4959 or shelleystarkey25@yahoo.com. The cost for each banner covers the making of the banner, with a small portion going into the Arden Area Veteran Project for an Honor Garden and for future veteran projects. Deadline for ordering a banner is October 10.